• Alan Levine

  • a.k.a CogDog

  • On the Web Since 1993

Barks about and Plays on the Web...


Meet CogDog

(cogdog icon)
visual thinkery graphic by @bryanmmathers

Alan Levine feels weird writing about himself in the third person.

Regardless, he is recognized for applying technologies for creativity, learning, and professional development. A pioneer on the web since the early 1990s, Alan shares his ideas and discoveries at CogDogBlog. Among his interests are openness and sharing, strategies for connected learning, building tools for attribution, exploring new forms of web storytelling including 50+ Web 2.0 Ways To Tell a Story, pechaflickr, teaching and building sites for courses and projects like ds106, Networked Narratives, Ontario Extend, and unleashing WordPress based tools under the vague name "SPLOT".

He typically consults with higher educational institutions on digital technologies and the affordances of the open web, working with a variety of higher education institutions and organizations such as such as Open Education Global, BCCampus, EduHack, eCampus Ontario, Coventry University, the University of Guadalajara, Creative Commons, Virginia Commonwealth University, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, The Open University, Digital Media Hub, and Mozilla. Additionally, he develops open web-based tools shared openly on Github. Some people have invited him to visit to do keynotes and workshops.

Alan's recent work include designing member interaction strategies for Open Education Global, supporting BCCampus projects in Open Homework systems, facilitating/encouraging faculty participating in the eCampus Ontario Extend project, creating a a leadership development site and online training materials for BC Corrections, building and co-leading the Mural UDG project, and teaching at Kean University. He developed the platform and faciliated activities (on-site and online) for the UDG Agora Project, a faculty development effort for almost 400 professors at the University of Guadalajara managed by the Justice Institute for British Columbia. Alan was an Open Learning Fellow at Thompson Rivers University where his portfolio included producing the You Show faculty development series and developing the suite of "SPLOT" tools. He has also been an instructional technology specialist at the University of Mary Washington (2012) following leadership positions at the New Media Consortium (2006-2011) and the Maricopa Community Colleges (1992-2006).

Alan's interests include digital photography, bending WordPress to his whims, and randomly dipping into the infinite rivers of the internet for regular doses of web serendipity.

He is done talking about himself... but scroll, there is more.

Working, Writing, Presenting

Things Alan Has Done

On Stage (selected presentations)

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In Print (Publications)
In Interviews
In Other Things Lacking Categorization
In Video







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What People Say

By Tweet

Work Portfolio

Selected Client Projects

I love the web. I have been creating on it and teaching others how since 1993. While I build custom sites for clients, I do more than nuts and bolts technology. I help people and organizations to shape ideas, find metaphors, develop media presence, create community, and facilitate processes-- all aimed to generate meaningful online experiences- ones that are energetic, fun, and sometimes unconventional.

My recent web site work is mostly in Wordpress with a generous amount of custom coding, but also I do HTML/CSS/Javascript sites as well as other platforms. While many of clients are in higher education, I also do work for not-for-profit organizations and small businesses, plus also donate web development time to organizations.

Below are examples of my most recent work. See also my portfolio of experimental / personal projects.


Ask About My Work

People, organizations, projects, businesses I have done work for...

Arizona K12 Center, Arizona Technology and Information Council, Baruch College, BCcampus, BC Corrections, BC Food Security Gateway, Center for Compiuter Aided Learning Instruction, Claire Major, Coventry University, Creative Commons, Digital Media and Learning Research Hub, Doug Engelbart Foundation, eCampus Ontario, Edible Garden Project, Emilio Vavarella, Erasmus+, Fire on the Rim Mountain Bike Race, Flat Classroom Project, Full Circle Associates, George Mason University, George Velestianos, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society, Hong Kong Institute of Science and Technology, International College Hong Kong, International Specialised Skills Institute, Justice Institute of British Colombia, Kamloops Food Policy Council, Kenyon College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Mariana Funes, Maria Middlestead, Mindtouch, Inc., Mozilla, Newcastle University, North Shore Community Garden Society, Open Learning Hub, Open Education Global, Open University OER Research Hub, Orton Family Foundation, Phonar Nation, Pine Farmers Market, Pine/Strawberry Fuel Reduction, Powerful Learning Practice, Preservation Trust of Vermont, Reclaim Hosting, Shar-E-Fest (NZ), Skidmore College, Society for Learning Analytics Research, Tecnológico de Monterrey, THAT Brewery, The College of Wooster, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Open University, The Randall House, Thompson Rivers University, Trinity Western University, United World College of Southeast Asia, Universidad del Sagrado Corazon, University of Alaska Fairbanks, University of Guadalajara,, University of Saskatoon, University of Texas, Arlington, Virginia Commonwealth University, Wagner College, Yavapai Community College, Yokohama International School

You can also support my independent work via patreon


Bark for Me!

Got something to say, ask? Want to run with the Big Dogs? Don't just howl wildly at the moon, reach out and contact me. Use of this form to solicit business proposals, offers of company services, well anything other than a genuine message from a real person will be fully reported as spam to the FTC (I have more than your email address) and also incur a $250 fee for wasting my time.

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